
"We're here to express our potential as human beings. And that includes helping others to achieve theirs. We help aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners build sustainable business models that allow them to live life on their own terms through conscious entrepreneurship."

—Melissa Montalvo, Founder

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      The Power of Conscious Entrepreneurship

      Business holds the potential to achieve remarkable feats that are impossible for individuals acting alone. It is the driving force that will shape our future for generations to come. At the Academy of Human Potential, we empower aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners elevate their impact through conscious entrepreneurship. It allows the alignment of nearly any trade to the greater good while also providing personal fulfillment. 

      We're dedicated to helping you embody sustainable business practices from startup to exit, and will lead you to build a powerful brand that you can be proud of. We do this by assessing your current situation, leveraging your existing resources, and systemizing your business with proven strategies along the three stages of business development—Startup, Growth & Expansion, and Scaling.

      The Journey to True Impact Begins With YOU.

      We specialize in powerful applications to help you uncover your Primary Aim, the key to building a sustainable business model where you not only thrive, but also positively impact the lives of others. Our goal is to help you realize your full human potential through business, and we firmly believe this is the path to creating lasting change in the world.

      Our coaching and consulting programs are tailored to bridge the gap between your core values and the true direction of your business, regardless of your industry.

      Join us on this transformative journey. Together, we'll work towards a future that drives positive change, one conscious entrepreneur at a time.


      Learn More Here


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      Two Step

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